I originally posted this at the Power Wagon Advertiser Forum in May of this year.
An Ode To The Generalist
Just something that has been on my mind for a bit.
What ever happened to the generalist? He was the guy that could fix most anything that went wrong. He knew the basic mechanics for most things he came across. He simply knew how things worked.
We now have specialists. They know how one thing works. They know it very well. They need help though, making their speciality work with other specialities.
I was prompted to start this line of thought when a very nice fellow gave me a manual drill. It was in his barn and he didn't want it there. It was made in the 1800's by a company that used to exist not to far from here. You might have seen one of these in a shop somewhere in your youth. I've been told by men older than me that all small machine shops and garages had similar drills. Simple and elegantly it allowed someone to drill holes in metal by hand. It has two wheels, one that spins the shaft and another that allows you to raise and lower the shaft. It has a catchment that would allow you to have the drill automatically lower while you drill. It works very well a century and a half after it was made and it does so while looking beautiful.
It was designed by a generalist.
Generalists used to design cars, bicycles, tools and airplanes. These objects were simple , elegant and just plain worked.
The men (and women) who designed these things often did so because they needed to do so. They used them.
People who restore vehicles themselves become generalists. They get stretched outside their comfortable patterns and learn, by necessity often, why certain things were done when their vehicle was made. They learn to be humble, so that they can learn not only from their own mistakes, but from others mistakes. They come to appreciate the hard work someone else has done when they see what has wrought from a pile of parts. They simply become a better person.
Farmers are often generalists. They need to be plumbers, electricians, mechanics, doctors, and vets. My wife's uncle is such a man. When he needed to clean and sort his potatoes he made a machine from several other unrelated machines. Now he can sort and clean his potatoes faster and with less effort. He also restores tractors and bulldozers. He became good at it because he needed to. Now half his clients aren't farmers, but specialists (doctors and lawyers) who like the idea of having an old tractor, but they don't know how to fix one up and make it work in a reliable fashion.
Dick also served as the town judge for years and knows quite a bit about law. He can talk at length, and with knowledge, about bridge engineering.
We like him.
I admire the effort that someone takes to become a specialist, but I do not want to be one.
I want to be a generalist. I like working with my hands and my mind on projects that stretch from one side of my head to another. I like soldering, nailing, sanding, filing, painting, designing, cleaning, and many more things. I like to do as many of these things in a single day that I can. I like knowing many different things and being able to figure out how something works. I have, in my short 43 years, been trained in projection maintainance, carpentry, cabinetry, bootmaking, gunsmithing, computer maintainance, plumbing, drafting, fine arts, and glassblowing (among other disciplines). I can fell a decent sized tree and cut and split it for firewood. I can design and frame a house. I can shape molten glass into a drinking glass. I can take a rusted tool and patiently clean it and lubricate it until it works like it's supposed to. I can ride a horse. I can use proper grammar. I can plow a field. I can put together a computer from a pile of parts. I can sharpen a knife. I can disassemble, and then reassemble a M16, I can make chicken soup from a live chicken, and I can help birth a baby. None of things I consider myself an expert in, but I can do them. I like that. I don't want to stop now. I want to keep figuring things out and learning new skills. I'd like buy an old Bridgeport and mill my own parts. I want to re-learn how to weld. I want to cast metal (it can't be harder than casting glass).
That drill is mounted on my shop wall now. I currently don't need a manual drill, but I like it there. Sometimes when I'm working in my shop I'll stop by it and twirl the handled wheel so I can feel the smooth action and watch it spin. It feels nice, like shifting my old Dodge. The iron in my hand feels solid, somehow more real than some of my other tools. Maybe that solidity is a function of time spent on earth. I know that this tool can last another century and a half, and probably will.
Thanks to a generalist.
What ever happened to the generalist? He was the guy that could fix most anything that went wrong. He knew the basic mechanics for most things he came across. He simply knew how things worked.
We now have specialists. They know how one thing works. They know it very well. They need help though, making their speciality work with other specialities.
I was prompted to start this line of thought when a very nice fellow gave me a manual drill. It was in his barn and he didn't want it there. It was made in the 1800's by a company that used to exist not to far from here. You might have seen one of these in a shop somewhere in your youth. I've been told by men older than me that all small machine shops and garages had similar drills. Simple and elegantly it allowed someone to drill holes in metal by hand. It has two wheels, one that spins the shaft and another that allows you to raise and lower the shaft. It has a catchment that would allow you to have the drill automatically lower while you drill. It works very well a century and a half after it was made and it does so while looking beautiful.
It was designed by a generalist.
Generalists used to design cars, bicycles, tools and airplanes. These objects were simple , elegant and just plain worked.
The men (and women) who designed these things often did so because they needed to do so. They used them.
People who restore vehicles themselves become generalists. They get stretched outside their comfortable patterns and learn, by necessity often, why certain things were done when their vehicle was made. They learn to be humble, so that they can learn not only from their own mistakes, but from others mistakes. They come to appreciate the hard work someone else has done when they see what has wrought from a pile of parts. They simply become a better person.
Farmers are often generalists. They need to be plumbers, electricians, mechanics, doctors, and vets. My wife's uncle is such a man. When he needed to clean and sort his potatoes he made a machine from several other unrelated machines. Now he can sort and clean his potatoes faster and with less effort. He also restores tractors and bulldozers. He became good at it because he needed to. Now half his clients aren't farmers, but specialists (doctors and lawyers) who like the idea of having an old tractor, but they don't know how to fix one up and make it work in a reliable fashion.
Dick also served as the town judge for years and knows quite a bit about law. He can talk at length, and with knowledge, about bridge engineering.
We like him.
I admire the effort that someone takes to become a specialist, but I do not want to be one.
I want to be a generalist. I like working with my hands and my mind on projects that stretch from one side of my head to another. I like soldering, nailing, sanding, filing, painting, designing, cleaning, and many more things. I like to do as many of these things in a single day that I can. I like knowing many different things and being able to figure out how something works. I have, in my short 43 years, been trained in projection maintainance, carpentry, cabinetry, bootmaking, gunsmithing, computer maintainance, plumbing, drafting, fine arts, and glassblowing (among other disciplines). I can fell a decent sized tree and cut and split it for firewood. I can design and frame a house. I can shape molten glass into a drinking glass. I can take a rusted tool and patiently clean it and lubricate it until it works like it's supposed to. I can ride a horse. I can use proper grammar. I can plow a field. I can put together a computer from a pile of parts. I can sharpen a knife. I can disassemble, and then reassemble a M16, I can make chicken soup from a live chicken, and I can help birth a baby. None of things I consider myself an expert in, but I can do them. I like that. I don't want to stop now. I want to keep figuring things out and learning new skills. I'd like buy an old Bridgeport and mill my own parts. I want to re-learn how to weld. I want to cast metal (it can't be harder than casting glass).
That drill is mounted on my shop wall now. I currently don't need a manual drill, but I like it there. Sometimes when I'm working in my shop I'll stop by it and twirl the handled wheel so I can feel the smooth action and watch it spin. It feels nice, like shifting my old Dodge. The iron in my hand feels solid, somehow more real than some of my other tools. Maybe that solidity is a function of time spent on earth. I know that this tool can last another century and a half, and probably will.
Thanks to a generalist.